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  The Progression Tote is a trio of carefully selected Adinkra symbols that pertain to the essentials of an individual’s life path.

“SANKOFA” Is a metaphorical reminder to look back and reflect on your life’s journey that has gotten you to where you are. Remember the important lessons you have learnt and let them guide you in your future.

The Sankofa symbol depicts a bird with its head turned backward taking an egg from its back. It expresses the importance of reaching back to knowledge gained in the past and bringing it into the present in order to make positive progress.


“ADWERA” Represents natural healing, washing away misfortune revealing your authentic self. The Adwera symbol depicts the watery shrub, which is a river plant with medicinal purposes in Ghana.


“MAKO” Translates as “Pepper” referring to seeds of growth and that all things come to pass in their own time. Just be patient and understanding of development. Remember; everything, in time.

The Mako symbol depicts a bountiful plethora of seeds suggesting that growth as a community happens at differing rates and that there is strength in diversity.